Add some stunning cascading foliage with the unique Pothos. Varieties include heart-shaped leaves with varied variegation. Mildly toxic to cats and dogs, will cause vomiting if ingested. This low-maintenance plant is perfect for beginners. Great for hanging from the ceiling, or use clips to crawl up your walls! They are quick growing, and don't mind being chopped back.
☀️: Thrives in bright indirect light. Tolerant of low light. The more variegation, the more light it needs. Avoid direct sunlight.
💧: Allow the top inch of soil to completely dry out, bottom watering recommended.
🌎: Pothos prefer a tight pot, so you won't likely have to repot the plant for a year or two. If necessary, use potting Soil (Malibu Compost Potting Soil, Uni-Gro Potting Soil)
🥫: Slow-release fertilizer 15-9-12 (Osmocote Plus Plant Food)