Liven up a shady corner with the low-maintenance Sansevieria. Sword-like spikes will slowly grow upwards. Sanseverias are known for their air-purifying properties and easy maintenance. Mildly toxic to cats and dogs, will cause vomiting if ingested. New pups will poke through the soil grown from rhizomes beneath.
☀️: Low-light tolerant, but will thrive in bright indirect light. Can handle a couple hours of direct sun. *Snake plants with more variegation will need higher light*
💧: Infrequent watering, check soil is completely dry before watering. Most likely twice a month.
🌎: Sansevierias prefer a very tight pot, so it's likely you won't have to repot the plant for the rest of its life. If necessary, use fast-draining Cactus Mix (Espoma Organic Cactus Mix).
🥫: Cactus & Succulent 1-2-2 Fertilizer (Espoma Organic Cactus! Plant Food)